An Overwhelming Sense
God is so faithful. His peace, his joy, his wisdom and his understanding are each blessings we need only ask for and they will be given to us! I was baptized on Thursday morning, right around 10:15am! I can hardly describe all that I felt and experienced, my senses were so overwhelmed; I was both at peace and on fire at the same time. My joy was laughter and my thankfulness tears. I remember my heart beating so hard against my ribs I thought the water might ripple from it's tossing! Since then... everything has changed. In reading His Word, it no longer falls on a heart of stone but is instead sucked up like water on dry ground! I can't get enough of him, so much so that I could almost explode with the sheer joy and overwhelming peace that comes from and with his presence! And my obedience has, again, been given new joy and revealed in a new light. As does speaking God's word, for, "faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of ...