An Overwhelming Sense

God is so faithful. His peace, his joy, his wisdom and his understanding are each blessings we need only ask for and they will be given to us!

I was baptized on Thursday morning, right around 10:15am! I can hardly describe all that I felt and experienced, my senses were so overwhelmed; I was both at peace and on fire at the same time. My joy was laughter and my thankfulness tears. I remember my heart beating so hard against my ribs I thought the water might ripple from it's tossing! Since then... everything has changed.

In reading His Word, it no longer falls on a heart of stone but is instead sucked up like water on dry ground! I can't get enough of him, so much so that I could almost explode with the sheer joy and overwhelming peace that comes from and with his presence! And my obedience has, again, been given new joy and revealed in a new light. As does speaking God's word, for, "faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ" (Romans 10:17).

I've also began what's called a "negativity fast/positivity feast", where each morning I wake up and declare certain truths over myself, my life and the world around me. Beyond the declarations the fast/feast calls for each day to become an act of obedience; choosing words of life and positivity, rather then death and negativity. The whole thing is not just about erasing negative thoughts and actions from our lives, but more so about replacing those things with that which is good, the promises of God!

It has been a deep and unbelievably rich couple of weeks, and God has been so faithful. Each day has been better then the day before! While this doesn't mean I have been a perfectly happy angel of positivity, it does mean that each day I have pursued the heart of God and believed... having faith in God and in myself. Knowing and holding to the fact that my faithfulness, my small and big attempts to do his will and please him, do indeed bring a smile to my heavenly Father's face. :) "I will sing and make music to the Lord" (Psalm 27) :) I will praise his Holy name! :)

Endless blessings dear friends, I wish you well!

~Andrea Christine


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