
My name is Andrea, I love Jesus and I am poop-my-pants scared to begin this blog.

My goal is simply to have a place where the musings I have late into the night about life, faith, love, worship, family and every other crazy characteristic that makes up a day, can be shared with someone...anyone really, who might possibly be asking the same questions or pondering similar topics. If I have learned anything in the life I have lived, it's that life (yes...I'm saying life an obscene amount of times) is not meant to be lived alone.My heart has been saved, changed, and shaped by God, but it is God's hands and feet, his people, that continue to save me on a daily basis.

Relationships, moments spent in deep conversation, even a smile from a stranger; these  have all given my life meaning in ways that nothing else can. So world, this is my blog, these are the honest musings of my heart and mind, and if you connect, understand, disagree, or feel even the slightest twinge of a reaction to anything I write, respond. Because I want to do life right, and man.... doin it right, is doin it in community. 

Blessings, hugs and a hand squeeze,

~Andrea Christine


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