Child Like Faith

How things change...

Even in the span of a day or so I find my whole understanding of certain things suddenly having new roots. I don't have to hear or believe lies. Rather, I have the authority, under and through Christ, to not only identify lies but to then replace them with Truth, God's Truth.

Today a dear friend told me this; as we grow, our minds learn to follow certain paths as circumstances and words are repeated. So as adults, we have patterns that we would have to fight to stray from. Such as a stream flowing down the side of a mountain; paths worn from years of travel are much easier to flow down. A small tickle of a stream does not suddenly choose to take a new path, it would have to be forced off it's well worn route. And so it is with our minds.

In whatever family we grow up, we learn cause and effect. What we learn from all circumstances, both positive and negative, creates these pathways. So I am now in a season of life where I am choosing to fight for new pathways. To say no to the lies and comfort of the old and brashly step out, in faith, to pursue the new. Praise God for friends, for wisdom in others that we can hear, receive and be changed by. Thank God that this process of life and loving our Savior is not done alone, but as a body, working as one to glorify the One who truly gives us life, and life abundantly!

In so many ways it's like learning to be a child again... almost forcing yourself to be one! In each moment, having to stop, think, and question that which is untrue and then having the humility to ask Christ to show us what the Truth is. I am not worthless, rather I am a favorite of the most High King! I do not need to be afraid or melancholy, rather perfect love casts out fear as the presence of God gives us a purity of joy! And so we are children, once again learning to forge paths of understanding and ways of living.

God is our truth, and to even have the ability to step back, in ones own thoughts, and recognize a lie is an undeniable gift of the Spirit! The Spirit opens our eyes, and in His Holy presence we are handed a gift of grace. First we see what is true and then are given the gift to allow that truth to become a part of us!

God is so good. I can hardly keep from shouting! Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God almighty! For He is so good to me and his revelation is like the freshest of water to my thirsty soul!

Hallelujah! Praise God! :)




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