
It took my cat...winding himself around my legs and head butting his way into my arms to realize... I'm not at peace.

One of the themes that has been popping up in my reading and conversations is the idea that we can only give or release, that which we already have. Seemingly obvious in some ways, but in terms of the overflow of our hearts, it's a stranger concept to grasp. But tonight I wanted my cat to be at peace in my presence, but how could I release peace, if I myself am in need of a dose?

Driving home I was thinking more about the whys behind my faith, the groans, the aches, the deep needs of my heart that can only be explained, met or expressed through an intimate relationship with God. But it's almost laughable to be reflecting at such a depth when my most basic needs of my heart were going unmet.

In his presence there is fullness of joy!! not introspective contemplating or deeply thoughtful question and answer sessions. While His revelation is indeed a beautiful path to walk and wander, it's in His presence that we find rest and peace! (not the twisting corridors of our own thoughts and impressions)

Breathing and being. That's been my key. To not always fill my quiet moments with fruitful or completely aimless ponderings, but instead to just sit, breathe and be.
To exist in a moment; still, warm and surrounded by the warmth and sweet energy of His Spirit.

That's where true joy comes from. That's where peace is found; in the arms of the Father, with our hands held lovingly by our Savior and the Holy Spirit all around, singing the most beautiful, joyful, hope-filled songs into the depths of our hearts. It's in this place that we hear Him best, know Him more, and find we understand ourselves better for having been beside Him for just a moment or two.

Just be? seems worth a try... You and me Abba, let's be :)


~Andrea Christine


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