Update: BSSM 1st Year

:) Hello again. It's been way too long.

First I want to apologize for being so far behind on my updates, I realize the last time I posted was before I left for Worship School! And now here I am, almost done with the second month of Bethel's Supernatural School of Ministry!

Briefly, Worship School changed me. It lit a fire for new and deeper expressions of worship that is now being fed here in school. I am a woman of worship and attending Bethel's School of Worship opened up new channels of expression that created a new depth and vibrancy to the passion of worship that I had never before seen within me. There are new shades to the praise rainbow that is my hearts purest expression of deep adoration towards my beautiful Papa God.

Now, BSSM.

What a ride it has been thus far. Though it has only been two months I can hardly recall what happened beyond a week ago! What I can't forget are the encounters that I have had with the redemptive power of God's love through the wisdom and prophecy of others. I have had breakthrough in the areas of rejection, trauma, performance, and worth through simple moments of honesty between either me and my Papa or through the words of my friends and housemates.

My housemates are such beautiful women. I want to give you a brief description of each of them so you have a bit of a context for future posts concerning them:

Danielle: Danielle is my roommate, a gorgeous and powerful woman from Canada. She has already taught me so much in the ways that she has loved me and bravely communicated with me. She will undoubtedly change the world because she has a heart for the impossible and a faith that makes it possible. Her big beautiful dreams will punch bomb sized holes in the enemies camp and her hunger for God is infectious and deep and abandoned. I am in awe of her.

Genesis: Genesis is from Mexico City and at the age of 22 has already played a significant role in the transformation of her city and in furthering the kingdom worldwide. Her heart is to teach and her gentle spirit will make her not only a friend but a mentor to many students! The passion of her heart and the depth of her character are undeniable weapons that are already blazing pathways for many generations to follow boldly after her in their pursuit of Christ and revival worldwide!

Kristina: Kristina is from South Dakota and has one of the most joyful and steadfast hearts I have ever been blessed to know and speak into . Already I see a wisdom in her that is deep, pure, uncomplicated and beautiful. She is a well of love that bubbles over in the most beautiful musical expressions. She both sings and plays piano and thus I believe she will ROCK the mountain of music. She laughs easily and often and knows the source of that joy with such grounded-ness that it makes me feel more steady just for knowing her.

Tracy: Tracy is from a small town in Illinois that she is on FIRE to see revival come to. She has a huge and glorious heart that beats rapidly for the children of God. She is truly a care taker and a lover. Her sense of humor makes me feel at home and her joy for life and children is something she carries in this beautiful lightness of spirit that always brightens a room. She is also a second year! And already she has taught me so much.

Staci: Staci Jones is a powerhouse of love, mercy and prophecy from Tennessee. She has a sweet and gentle heart that draws people to her, while at the same time she carries a spirit of powerful justice and love that truly makes her a Spiritual warrior. She is brave and wise and I eagerly anticipate the waves she will make throughout the world for Christ, especially concerning politics and the eradicating of the sex trade. She is a mighty woman of God.

Katy Joy: A dancer and a teacher, Katy Joy is a missionary kid from Indiana who lived most of her life in Ecuador. She is undeniably a woman of fierce love, joy and passion. She is strong, kind, loving and sweet, with a heart of gold that brings such life to future generations. Already I have seen her natural ability to speak truth into the hearts of the children she encounters and I am so moved by her ache to see children grow up knowing their true identities and the limitlessness of their potential!

So that's all the lovely woman I'm living with! I am so in awe of how blessed I am to know them and be doing life with each of them!

Now to classes and such:

I do have a job here! I got transferred from the Petco at home to one right down the street which I am so thankful for. Seeing how hard it has been for many of my fellow students to find a job I am

But I will be completely honest, the first couple times I worked were hard. The very first night I came in I was asked to clean and close up all the animal enclosures, which I was comfortable doing, but a closing requirement is that we check up on and medicate all the animals in the wellness room (where we keep sick animals to be treated and cared for). What no one had told me was that the wellness room had 30 male and female rats that I needed to medicate. Not a great first impression.

But I am so encouraged now. I have gotten to know the people I work with a bit better and it has become more and more apparent how much God aches to speak words of life and encouragement to each of them. Already I have been able to have a few really purposeful conversations with some co-workers, taking the time to ask questions, encourage them and hear more of their hearts. It's amazing to see how even these small moments can have such a deep impact. We all ache to be known, but above all God aches for us to know that He knows and He sees and He loves.

I'm going to finish this post for now! I want to get on to some more specific subjects... but overall I am just left with this feeling of such peace and rest. I know it was God that brought me to this place...everyday I feel His joy and love being poured over me and I am overwhelmed. What touches me most deeply is that this outpouring has no end, He has no limit to the ways He wants to speak to me and love on me. His love is boundless, limitless, unconditional and unending. Wow. He is so good...so so good to me. :) Praise be to this Daddy God who so perfectly loves and pursue His children!!!

So much love and blessings,

~Andrea Christine


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