Eternal Inspiration

God's peace is not partial.

His love is not conditional.

So why do we so often promise our love based on conditions? If you do this for me God, I promise to have complete faith in you. If you give me this one thing God, I will do whatever you ask.

And yet, hasn't God already done all that needs to be done for us? He sacrificed his pure and perfect son for the sins of his fallen people, so that we may have a direct line to him, free of conditions, free of shame, free of guilt and self-doubt.

God loves us. God loves in a way that is so deep and abiding, that even simply turning our eyes upon him completely ravishes him! God loves us! GOD LOVES US! This is our joy and our comfort, our shield and our strength.

It goes beyond even that! Not only does God loves us, but he wants to provide for us! To protect us, to nuture us and make us whole! Not whole as in becoming what we once were, because even when we were born we entered into battle, but instead becoming like NEW! Perfect and pleasing in his sight, abiding in Christ and finding our TRUE identity in him.

We are his! We are the adopted children of the most high! And as such we are blessed with power, hope and overflowing joy. God has given his children the earth, to rule and to redeem by his name. In him we are made whole. In him we can move mountains, heal nations, love our neighbors... :)

Thanks be to God for the anointing of his mighty name upon us, his children, beloved in his sight.

With all kinds of joy and hope,

~Andrea Christine


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